Q: What is epoxy?

A: Focusing on a “two part epoxy”, which is what we use: Epoxy, sometimes referred to as “Epoxy Resin” is a polymer (chains of repeating molecules bonded together) made up of resin and a hardener. Resin can be a naturally occurring substance typically harvested from plants or insects (which is typically produced to protect them), or synthetic, typically made in a lab. A harder is an additive that causes a chemical reaction to turn resin from semi viscous (think syrup) to a solid (think plastic or glass). 

Q: Is epoxy toxic?

A: Most epoxies (typically made up of a resin and hardener) have at least one component that is toxic. We use FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) approved non-toxic, food grade, no VOC (volatile organic compounds) epoxy. In short, the epoxy we use is non-toxic, which is rare.  

A: Where can I buy your products?

Q: You can visit our “Order Art Today” page using the button below to order online, or you can come to one of the Colorado events we attend. If you want to see which upcoming events we will be at, you can visit our “Upcoming Events” page using that button below.

Q: What is a charcuterie board?

A: A charcuterie board is technically an appetizer typically served on a wooden board. In “Our Products” page we are selling wooden boards, infused with our art as “charcuterie boards.” You’ll have to provide the appetizers yourself. 

Q: My wood is looking dull, what do I do?

A: Wood dries out, especially if you are in a dry climate, and or have washed it (please only use a mild soap and cool water).  We recommend refreshing your woodcraft pieces whenever they are looking dull or at least once ever six months using our wood butter, which is made from locally sourced organic bee’s wax and food grade mineral spirits.  Alternatively you can use food grade “cutting board oil” which is slightly easier to apply but will not protect as long.